JKM Therapy

Balance, Harmony & Health

Benefits of Animal Massage/Reiki

Animal Massage

Health Benefits

  • Improves disposition/mood
  • Improves focus (ie: no distractions due to discomfort)
  • Reduces response/reaction time
  • Stabilizes joints and increases range of motion
  • Improves fluid circulation (increasing nutrition & oxygen and expelling toxins & waste): blood & lymph
  • Aids in preventing injury as the animal is conscience of its entire body and is not compensating for compromised areas
  • Reduces scar tissue (friction manipulates & warms scar tissue allowing those tissues to dissipate or convert into healthy tissue)
  • Elicits the Relaxation Response - gently coaxing the animal out of a Sympathetic (stressed) state into a Paraympathetic (relaxed) state 
  • Similar  to the use of a bodywrap, massage makes the animal aware of its entire body, creating harmony in its motion
  • Helps animals manage & release pent up or displaced energy– easing nervous behavior
  • Releases lactic acid stored in muscles (releases pressure & toxins, allowing muscles to function more effectively and fluidly
  • Generates piezoelectric impulses that flow through muscles and bone thus encouraging healing
  • Stimulates sensory and motor neurons—encouraging organized communication throughout the body
  • Manipulating fascia—returning the connective tissue to a more gelatinous and elastic state, extending the effects throughout the entire body
  • Manipulation of tendons/muscle attachments—releasing stress, tension and neurological blockages from the entire muscle...from both ends
  • Desensitizes animals from external influences
  • Familiarizes animals with a relaxed state


Animal Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese form of stress reduction and relaxation that promotes all-around wellness and good health.

Reiki is so non-invasive that it can be done without physical contact, if need be. This is especially helpful in cases involving large and/or dangerous animals, and distraught or emotionally upset recipients. When direct contact is used, the touch is very light.

Health Benefits

  • Reduce/stop vices
  • Enhance focus, which improves learning and retention abilities
  • Excellent for performance animals
  • Invaluable for newborn and young animals
  • Accelerated healing of wounds, injuries and surgical procedures
  • Abused, traumatized and neglected animals
  • Reiki can aid in decreasing: ADD/ADHD, Aggression, Defiance, Depression, Dominance, Fear, Insecurity, Irritability, Nervousness, Vices, Stress, and Stubbornness
  • Reiki can increase: Clarity, Confidence, Focus, General health & well-being, Learning, Retention and Trust
  • Reiki can facilitate recovery from: Injury, Surgery and Wounds


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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